You’re home all day with your family.
You love them AND they drive you crazy sometimes.
Understandably, you get irritated, overwhelmed and frustrated with them.
Maybe you criticize them, maybe you hide in your room and ignore them, maybe you snap at them.
And then, you have a conversation with yourself that might sound like this:
“I shouldn’t be so critical of my kids or my husband. ”
“Why can’t I pull it together? This should be quality family time and instead we’re fighting with each other.”
After the conversation, everything gets better, right?
Wrong. You feel terrible. Guilty. Discouraged.
Guess what?
The worse we FEEL, the worse we ACT.
You can’t beat yourself up into doing better.
The first step to DOING better, is to FEEL better.
Feeling better starts with the conversation you have after you “mess up.”
Instead your inner dialogue could sound like this:
“Wow, that was rough. This is a difficult time and we’re all doing the best we can. Sometimes our best isn’t very good and that’s okay.”
Guess how you will feel after an inner chat with yourself that sounds like that?
You feel better.
Then, when your kids do the things kids will definitely do like; not obey, sneak extra screen time, or fall apart about school, you have more bandwidth to handle it how you’d like to.
You’ll feel better so you can have a little more patience and compassion with them.
You DO better when you FEEL better.
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