The Ultimate Peace Child; Christ’s Gift of Peace to Me

As we approach the week of Christmas, I want to share a message that is a bit unique for this website.  I often share ideas about how we can think differently and process emotions.  These are powerful tools I deeply believe in.  However, I believe the most powerful tool we have for change and feeling always our Savior and His power.  In honor of His birth, I’d like to share one way that He has changed me. I will start with a true story.  

Lacking Peace

A young Canadian missionary couple moved to New Guinea in 1962 with the intent to share the gospel with some of the cannibalistic tribes of the area.  The Sawi tribe they were living among honored treachery; they would befriend people of other villages and later betray and eat them.  When Don Richardson first shared the story of Jesus, the tribe hailed Judas as the hero of the story!  

Don and his wife Carol lived by two neighboring villages of Sawi people—the Haenam and Kamur tribes.  The two villages had a history of years of hatred, fighting and treachery.  Don and his wife Carol tried to help the two tribes stop fighting, however after several months without success they announced that they would move to another village to minister.  The Sawi didn’t want to lose the benefits they had gained by having westerners living among them and declared that they would make peace.  

The Peace Child

The Richardsons were skeptical that peace could be established, but they watched as a family from each village brought an infant forward and gave the baby to the enemy tribe! The Richardsons were concerned that the infants exchanged would be harmed, but the villagers explained that the other tribe would raise the child, and as long as each child was healthy and alive, peace would continue between the villages.  They explained this was called “ the peace child.”  

The Ultimate Peace Child

The Richardsons were able to use this redemptive analogy to teach the Sawi people about Christ who was the ultimate peace child.  Because of the sacrifice of the Father sending his only son to perform the atonement for all of his other children—we are blessed with peace.  

Each Christmas we tell about angels who announced the birth of our Savior in Luke 2 saying,   “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to men.”  Peace is one of the most precious gifts the Savior offers each of us.  

When Did You Last Feel His Peace?

Peace is something I lacked for many years about a particular issue. When I prayed, I thought I wanted a quick answer to my prayers and relief from suffering for my daughter and myself.  But the Prince of Peace gave me something so much better than relief from suffering, he gave me peace.  I will share a brief version of this experience.  


One of my daughters had some concerning health issues for several years. Despite visits to many specialists, reading many books, praying and fasting, we weren’t able to figure out how to address them.  The issues were often toxic on the peace in our home, and on my personal peace.  

Any mother’s heart longs to help her child and finds it difficult to rest when their child is struggling.  I wanted to help her feel better.  It got discouraging as time passed, the issues got worse, and more solutions failed.  We had spent thousands of dollars and so many hours of time trying to help.   I felt guilty when my patience was depleted and I didn’t respond to her as calmly or kindly as I’d like to.  

Can’t You Hear Me God?

At one particularly low point, a really promising solution had just failed and I felt exhausted, frustrated and angry.  I found myself almost shouting at God, “Can’t you hear me God? PLEASE!  What do I have to do to get your direction?” 

That week, I came across the beautiful picture of Christ calming the storm that I have seen many times before.  But I noticed something new.  In the picture, Jesus has taken the helm and has his hand up, but the waves are not still yet.  They are still high.  The faces of the apostles are full of fear and anxiety.   Even though Christ is administering—they are still in the midst of a storm.  

It occurred to me that it wasn’t that God was ignoring me.  Just like Christ was in the midst of blessing the storm, he was in the midst of blessing me.  But the storm wasn’t over yet.  

It Didn’t Change but I Did

I continued to pray and wait for answers.  No answers came as I had hoped they would.   My daughter’s issues continued.  However, something else miraculous happened–a tremendous peace slowly came over me and it continued for many months.  My daughter’s issues did not change, but I changed.  

The Peace Child Brings Peace

It’s hard to describe the impact that this divine peace had on our family, but I know it was real.  Instead of feeling angst about my daughter all day I was able to feel calm.  Instead of talking and complaining to my husband about it every night, I was able to enjoy talking to him about other things more often.  My relationship with my daughter changed too.  My feelings of guilt and frustration were replaced with compassion and patience.

I placed this quote on my door to remind myself of the peace God was offering me–even though the issue was not resolved.

“No matter how daunting the challenges in our lives or in the world around us, we know we can have peace through the power of the infinite Atonement because Christ overcame the world…When we face stormy seas and high winds, we may be tempted to ask, “Carest thou not that [I] perish?” (Mark 4:38). We know that the Savior has power to calm our storms, but sometimes He calms our souls instead.”  Paul V.

Peace on Earth

It was still quite a while before we were able to fully figure out how to get our daughter the help she needed, but eventually we were able to find answers and she is now healthy and thriving.  However, I look to this experience with divine peace time as a precious oasis of in the midst of some very dark years.  

It is this kind of peace we sing about when we sing about “peace on earth.” We don’t need to give our infant child for it—God has already done that.  We simply need to ask him for the peace He has already promised to give.  That is one of the reasons we can “deck the halls” and sing with the “angels we have heard on high,” this holiday season.  

May you find the peace the ultimate peace child offers as you celebrate His birth his week.    

Merry Christmas.

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