How To Take the Drama Out of Criticism

Where someone criticizes us, we often have a negative and defensive reaction. But these feelings are unnecessary. There are two questions we can ask ourselves when we are criticized that can help us leave the situation feeling good and can improve our relationships as well.

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What Role Do You Play in Your Stories?

As we experience life, we subconsciously think of ourselves and others in certain roles. They may not be quite as dramatic or as pigeonholed as as “villain,” “hero,” “victim,” but we do tend to cast ourselves and others in particular roles. Sometimes roles we assume can impact the way we experience life. Questioning the way we cast ourselves and others with our thoughts can be a helpful exercise in improving relationships and feeling better.

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How to Stop Holding onto Our Stories About Ourselves When We’ve Outgrown Them

It seems sweet for a 2-year-old to have a blanket or stuffed animal, but we might think it was a bit strange to see a 32-year-old dragging around a teddy bear everywhere with her. In the same way—sometimes we outgrow our own stories about ourselves and others. Here is how to know when your “stories” aren’t helping you anymore.

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