Are You Good At Predicting What Will Bring You Joy? Most People Aren’t

Humans are terrible at predicting what will bring them pleasure. What we THINK will bring us joy or fulfillment often doesn’t. And, the things we don’t expect to bring us fulfillment sometimes do. The ability to predict what will actually make us happy can help us be more motivated to do tasks we don’t think we want to, find pleasure in places we weren’t expecting to, and to avoid disappointment.

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What Role Do You Play in Your Stories?

As we experience life, we subconsciously think of ourselves and others in certain roles. They may not be quite as dramatic or as pigeonholed as as “villain,” “hero,” “victim,” but we do tend to cast ourselves and others in particular roles. Sometimes roles we assume can impact the way we experience life. Questioning the way we cast ourselves and others with our thoughts can be a helpful exercise in improving relationships and feeling better.

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What to Do If Your Story Comes Back

Sometimes even after we have mastered a new story—or new set of thoughts about ourselves, others or something that has happened–and are going about our lives living it joyfully, the old story resurfaces. And, not surprisingly when the old story comes back, so do the problems it creates. But there are some simple ways to handle it like a pro so you don’t get sucked back in.

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