It’s Your Job to Believe in You: The Ability to See What Others Can’t

It feels wonderful when others believe in us.  Since most of us have personal doubts about our abilities, our judgement, and our ideas, it gives us a boost of confidence when others support us.  The problem is that sometimes, no one else believes in you.  If we wait for others’ endorsement of our actions, we may never act.  Instead ,we may end up with a pile of dreams we never tried to reach, feeling resentful that no one saw our potential and believed in us.

My husband’s grandfather was a successful real-estate businessman who was given the honor of naming a major street in Orlando.  He chose the name “International Drive” as a tribute to his vision that eventually people from around the globe would come there.  Today his vision has been realized, but it wasn’t always that way.  

Believing All Alone

Finley Hamilton and his young bride moved to Orlando, FL when the city wasn’t much more than a few orange groves.  He started his career by buying houses to fix up and resell, and eventually he bought a small hotel. Over the years he saved and bought other properties and began to make a name for himself with his honesty, quick-wit, and wise business decisions.  When Disney announced they were planning to open Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Finley decided to build a hotel near-by.

People thought he was crazy.  At the time, there was very little development where Disney planned to build.  

Many of his friends advised him against it.  They thought it would be a failed business attempt.  The newspapers even printed an article titled “Finley’s Folly,” in which it enumerated the poor judgement of opening a hotel in the planned location.  

The Momentum of Belief

However, Finley believed in his idea.  He did not allow the nay-saying of others to dissuade him.  He saw something others did not—a vision of what the area could be. He didn’t have proof, but he was able to see beyond what existed now. He did not wait until others believed in him.  

After assessing the situation the best he knew how, he made a decision and he believed in himself even when it was unpopular.  He built a Hilton Hotel near Disney World.  As Disney World grew in popularity, his hotel became quite successful.  When the city built a road connecting his hotel (and eventually many others) to the main city of Orlando, Finley suggested the name International Drive. “I-Drive” has become one of the main tourist strips in Orlando, attracting people from all over the world. Although Finley was initially mocked, many people eventually praised his wisdom and foresight.

International Drive

It’s Your Job to Believe in You

It’s your job to believe in you.  It’s no one else’s job.  It’s certainly nice when others agree with you or support you, but it isn’t necessary to have the confidence of others to pursue your ideas.  In fact, as you believe in yourself and move forward with confidence, this is often when others notice you and begin to express confidence in you.  But only you can provide the the momentum to get things rolling. 

Believing In You

In what areas of your life do you wish someone would support you?  What do you wish they would say?  These are the exact things you need to say to yourself.  Have your own back.  You are the best one to do it.  Make a list of things you wish others would say to you, and repeat these things to yourself regularly. You’ll find that when you are your own best supporter, others will join in too.

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